Touch. I miss it. I miss the feeling of being touched. I miss the feeling of touching others I love that sensation that awakens feelings that are dormant within your body. That sensation that reminds you that you are alive. Do you ever crave to be touched or to touch others?
For those that have remained mostly isolated over this last year, touch has been missing. Touch is a basic human need. Why is touch so important? Physical contact is a basic human need with emotional, mental, and physical benefits. From the moment of birth, babies need to cling, suckle, and rest on caregivers. This practice forms the bonds at the heart of our familial social structure and is a key tool of survival. Without this basic human need being met I am concerned. I am concerned with humanity’s well-being. When are basic needs are not being met many physical, emotional and mental issues may arise. The release of the hormone oxytocin is another benefit of physical touch. oxytocin helps humans form emotional connection to one another and creates sensations that foster a sense of well-being and happiness. Even if we aren’t bonding with babies, adults can still benefit from the various rewards of an oxytocin release with friends, partners, or even animals. 3 Positive Health Manifestations from Touch Why is human touch so powerful? The benefits of physical touch, and the biological stimulation that comes with it, go beyond social bonding and can manifest positively in your mental and physical health. Here are some major ways hugs and hand holding can increase your happiness and longevity. Inspire positive thinking and expand trust Known as the “feel good” hormone, oxytocin helps inspire positive thinking and an optimistic outlook on the world. Oxytocin also generates feelings of compassion during interactions. This can contribute to an expansion of trust among individuals during social situations. Reduce social anxiety and stress Physical touch increases levels of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that help regulate your mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Dopamine is also known to regulate the pleasure centre in your brain that can offset feelings of anxiety. Boost immune system and lower blood pressure Physical touch is known to improve the function of your immune system as well as reduce diseases such as those associated with the heart and blood. One study on women found that receiving more hugs from their partners led to lower heart rates and blood pressure. Physical contact is a key component to emotional, mental, and physical well-being. However, sometimes we need more than a hug. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, you may benefit from online therapy. I know it may be extremely difficult to find someone to hug at this moment. You may miss being touched and touching others. I understand. I do have a few solutions that may assist you. Before you read on, be warned I may get intimate and this material is for only the ones ready. I suggest you start touching yourself. Now before you start wandering down that road, listen closely. I am suggesting creating a touch routine for yourself. How far you go with this routine is totally up to you. Within my work as a Self-Love Expert, the subject of touch comes up quite a bit. Why? Because like I said above, touch is a basic human need and it needs to begin with our self. Here is a really easy way to get started and it is a very honouring process of your body as well. The benefits definitely out way the risks. So I suggest you start with this. When you get out of the shower or bath each day, I want you to get some coconut oil or a nice body lotion you enjoy. Take the time to indulge in this practice of self-love. Take the time to appreciate and touch your body. I prefer the coconut oil in case I get carried away, I know the coconut oil is good for my entire body. Take your time and ensure that the lotion or oil is massaged into every part. Feel the sensation of touch. Appreciate this amazing body that you have. When you are ready to move up the Self-Love scale, do this routine in front of the mirror. Appreciating your body even more. I guarantee you will begin to experience sensations again. This is a very powerful process and is a powerful way to feel all of the benefits of touch. Another suggestion that assists with experiencing oxytocin and serotonin which helps inspire positive thinking and an optimistic outlook on the world, is to experience the “State of Flow” more often. This is that feeling of “Being In The Zone.” When you are in this state it also releases certain chemicals of bliss such as oxytocin and serotonin. As a Flow Code Coach I am Certified to teach and lead classes where we experience the state of flow throughout the class. Flow Code is a system that has mapped out hundreds of ways to experience this state. Try joining one of my classes. You can send me an email at [email protected] to learn when the next class is. Whatever choices you make for you, ensure that they are positive ones. Choices that can improve your overall well-being. Remember, I am here for you to assist you. Sending you a Virtual Hug Filled with LOVE. Love Always Leona
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