As SHARED by Laura Brzegowy our 2014 Successful Scholarship Recipient
To all of the naturally fearless “go getters” of the world, this post will seem like a foreign language; unfamiliar and hard to comprehend. To everyone else, bits and pieces of your life may seem to be intertwined with mine, as you recognize some of my experiences as your own. Just as you, I was born a fearless baby. After all, fear isn’t inherent to our makeup, but learned. At some point in our lives an incident taught us to be fearful of various things or experiences. Some of us developed ways of working through our fears, while others have remained mentally paralyzed to the point of avoiding certain circumstances and not living the lives we desire. Historically, I’ve categorized myself as part of the latter group, but that’s not what this nine month “Awaken the Beauty” experience is all about. My work with Leona Wallace has been a once in a lifetime chance to step out of my fearful box and dive head first in to a life of no regrets. As you can imagine, the process has not been without its own set of “hiccups”. My hiccups have been a number of distractions that, interestingly, I’ve not recognized to be so. Each has seemed like the perfect opportunity to gain knowledge or help someone else, but each has also been a beautiful diversion from the personal transformation and desired outcome my heart longs for. Call it what I may, but a distraction by any other name is still a distraction. Best bosom buddies to distractions are the “status quo” and “comfort zones”, because that is what they wish to maintain. Our goals, or desired outcomes, each require a certain level of growth to attain, or else we’d have already received them. Growth isn’t always easy, is frequently coupled with fear, and certainly isn’t found within the status quo or a comfort zone. Therefore distractions are self-actualized protection mechanisms that we can play into or learn to avoid. Now when I have an opportunity, or possible distraction, I ask myself three questions. If I can’t answer each with an unequivocal YES, I know that the opportunity, indeed, is a distraction. 1) Will this take me closer to my desired outcome? 2) Is this in alignment with my desired outcome? 3) Is this in my highest good? In connecting with myself and answering these questions from my deep well of truth, I realize I have a choice. I can choose to take myself further away from my desired outcomes or take another step towards them. It’s my choice. Will I be ruled by distractions and fear, or fueled by my desires? These days, I’m leaning into my fears and releasing distractions in order to achieve my goals and desired outcomes. I’m also learning to “Awaken the Beauty” with Leona. My question to you is… will you take the required and inspired action to join us? Find our more at
I have been on a quest my whole life, for as long as I can remember. To discover my OWN truth and my OWN beauty. It seems like the more I unveil, the more I realized what I have always known. I discovered not that many years ago that staying true to me was the only path I could take. Yet staying true to the "Unveiled Me" is the only path to take. I signed up for the journey. Yes. With all the ups and downs and darkness and light and love and its contrasts. I signed up for every moment of it. As soon as I “remembered” my agreement, everything started to get crystal clear. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my mission? How can I best serve those I come in contact with and those I might not ever meet? Each day I feel my power more and more. That is a passion of mine. It is also my passion and my mission to help others discover the same. My passion has driven me to say YES to my desires. My desires, as I have discovered have been agreements I made long ago to myself that I would say YES to. That is why I am here. To have all of these EXPERIENCES. That is why I Guide and Assist others to their Truth and Beauty.
Along my quest in life, I have had many beautiful mentors, teachers, Guides and Angels. More are revealed to me each day as I ask for assistance. They show up in many forms. Family. Friends. Loves. Coaches. Children. Strangers on the street. Books. Videos. Nature. Animals. Everything and everyone around me has assisted me in revealing my truth and beauty to me. For all of this I am eternally grateful. When I keep my eyes open and I ask for assistance, the journey is much easier. When I reach into my soul and know that I am never alone, the journey is always much brighter. The real key on this journey for me has been my re-connection to my “heart”. Now this has been a process. A process I teach in my programs. And as the process is used everyday, more and more is unveiled. The key to everything is our “heart”. The mysteries. The desires. The truth. The beauty. All lie within our hearts. The trick has been "how to" really connect to our heart. After years of experiences full of contrasts, the walls around our hearts have become very strong. You can imagine a steel encasement, hundreds of feet deep. That was the wall around my heart and I didn’t even have an awareness of that. I believed myself to be a very loving and compassionate and caring woman. I was. But not to the best of my ability. That is a hard pill to swallow. Looking back thinking, I wasn’t the best I could be? I thought I was. I did my best. I followed all the rules. I loved to the best of my ability at the time. Do you see? I did the best I could with what I had at the time? Compassion. Compassion is the other key. At first I beat myself up about it. I even punished myself with some bad choices in relationships. Or did I? It was another part of the experiences I signed up for. How could I possibly know what I desired today without knowing what I didn’t want? So I had experiences that turned out to provide me with life long lessons and expertise that I could pass on to others. Now back to the heart. Ahh the heart. Such an amazing organ. Such an amazing energy! Did you know that the love that radiates from one heart can change the negativitiy of thousands. I can’t remember the exact statistic. I have never really been a scientist. Well not in this lifetime. Lol The heart is so powerful. It is the key to all the keys. To all the questions. To all the desires. Wow! Cool! I want to know more. As soon as I asked for more, the answers started to show up for me. Now I have learned along time ago that when I ask for answers to open up and allow for them to show up. Don’t have expectations of how they are going to show up. Just ask. And then the answer reveals itself! Once I asked boom! The answers came flooding in. Friends. Mentors. Videos. Books. Ideas that popped into my heard (Divine Guidance) that prompted me to look in unexpected places. All of this leads me to today! I have been Divinely Guided and Inspired, to share this with you. Love and Beauty have been my passion. Now I am adding my "Heart". It is my added passion to the list. Also to Guide and Assist you in remembering who you are. Remembering through your heart. I would love your permission to show you how. May I have it? Send me an email to [email protected] and let's schedule your FREE session with me! Isn't it time to open your Heart for you? I promise to Guide you with Ease and Grace and Love and Light. JOIN ME Much Love and Light from Paris to where ever you are currently, Leona xox |
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