![]() Happy Love Week everyone! I know Valentines has past. Yet my passion is to keep the LOVE FLOWING always. This past week was especially special for me. It was my BIRTHDAY! I love to have a BIRTH WEEK. Why not? It took me 4 days to be born (according to my mother), so I should at least have a week of celebrating my birthday every year. For me it really marks the beginning of a new year. So I always spend time writing out what the year looks like from the end of the year perspective. Then I spend time taking care of myself. However that feels. Love, compassion, beautiful things surrounding me, luxurious experiences and much laughter. This year I was surprised! My birth week was full of a steady flow of surprises! Perhaps because it was the first year I could fully receive. Another thing I teach in my program which I seem to be constantly expanding my understanding and experience of. The flow started with flowers. Not one bouquet. But many. Then Dinner on the Seine. Five course meal with champagne, ambience and the perfect company. Plus the view was fabulous as well. How can you beat the view of Paris by night and the radiance and sparkle of the Eiffel Tower. The next day I was whisked away. Basically kidnapped by a friendly and taken to the east of Paris. Checked into a fabulous hotel and then surprised with a day at Disneyland. Just fabulous! The surprises kept continuing from family and friends all around the world. The fabulous emails and Facebook remarks and cards I received. Thank you very much everyone for the kinds words and thoughts. I love you all! I also want to say a HUGE thank you to the increase in followers I have on my BLOG and my website and my Facebook. I love the fact that we have positive forums to keep sharing the love. I am passionate about changing the world through LOVE and teaching that it starts we ourselves! A special thank you to my new followers, you know who you are! Keep up the good work! A special thank you to all of the amazing women who said YES to the experience of Applying for the SCHOLARSHIP. It wasn't easy for me to pick. I would love to gift all of you the opportunity! Yet by saying YES to the process you have already opened up a huge doorway. Congratulations! You rock! You are beautiful! You are loved! One women will receive this scholarship and this will be announced March 1st. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for sharing your energy with me! Don't forget about the March Experience coming up in Normandy. I have 6 spots left in this intimate and magical experience. http://www.awakenthebeauty.com/spring-into-love-retreat.html Much much love and light from Paris! Leona xox
![]() Happy Love Week everyone! I know Valentines has past. Yet my passion is to keep the LOVE FLOWING always. This past week was especially special for me. It was my BIRTHDAY! I love to have a BIRTH WEEK. Why not? It took me 4 days to be born (according to my mother), so I should at least have a week of celebrating my birthday every year. For me it really marks the beginning of a new year. So I always spend time writing out what the year looks like from the end of the year perspective. Then I spend time taking care of myself. However that feels. Love, compassion, beautiful things surrounding me, luxurious experiences and much laughter. This year I was surprised! My birth week was full of a steady flow of surprises! Perhaps because it was the first year I could fully receive. Another thing I teach in my program which I seem to be constantly expanding my understanding and experience of. The flow started with flowers. Not one bouquet. But many. Then Dinner on the Seine. Five course meal with champagne, ambience and the perfect company. Plus the view was fabulous as well. How can you beat the view of Paris by night and the radiance and sparkle of the Eiffel Tower. The next day I was whisked away. Basically kidnapped by a friendly and taken to the east of Paris. Checked into a fabulous hotel and then surprised with a day at Disneyland. Just fabulous! The surprises kept continuing from family and friends all around the world. The fabulous emails and Facebook remarks and cards I received. Thank you very much everyone for the kinds words and thoughts. I love you all! I also want to say a HUGE thank you to the increase in followers I have on my BLOG and my website and my Facebook. I love the fact that we have positive forums to keep sharing the love. I am passionate about changing the world through LOVE and teaching that it starts we ourselves! A special thank you to my new followers, you know who you are! Keep up the good work! A special thank you to all of the amazing women who said YES to the experience of Applying for the SCHOLARSHIP. It wasn't easy for me to pick. I would love to gift all of you the opportunity! Yet by saying YES to the process you have already opened up a huge doorway. Congratulations! You rock! You are beautiful! You are loved! One women will receive this scholarship and this will be announced March 1st. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for sharing your energy with me! Don't forget about the March Experience coming up in Normandy. I have 6 spots left in this intimate and magical experience. http://www.awakenthebeauty.com/spring-into-love-retreat.html Much much love and light from Paris! Leona xox ![]() Ahh why the picture of the Chateau you ask? Well I am all about saying YES and stepping into my Desires in a big way. So...I have decided to upscale the "Spring Into Love" Normandy, France experience with some LUXURY. So we are staying in a Chateau in Normandy France. I am so thrilled. I desired to keep this experience intimate with only 15 spots. Luxurious. Now with the Chateau. And very spiritual with Mont Saint Michel and all of the guidance and healing that will be taking place. Here I am in Kelowna, back in Canada for ten days to visit with my amazing boys and my fabulous friends. I have only been here for a day and a half and I see how blessed I am to be surrounded with so much love. I am full of gratitude and appreciation. Yesterday I first saw my oldest, Steven and I thought to myself ,what an amazing man he has turned out to be. He will be 20 this week. I am so proud of him. Recently he has really stepped into his own power and his own desires. He his getting clear about what he wants in life. He has learned that while some things have not worked out, those experiences have provided him a contrast to know what he doesn't want. And they have provided him learning. I am actually very happy for him that a few things didn't work out cause I know if they did, he would have been stuck in something for a long time because he was following others desires for him and not his own. Things would have been a struggle and not in alignment with his true desires. So I am very proud of him. He will be a successful man in anything he goes after as long as its in alignment. Then I spent the evening with my other son, Brendan. An impressive young man. Confident. Self-assured. Clear about what he desires in life. Also very loving like his brother. Self assured, nurturing and also sensitive. He is about to graduate this June. I am so very proud of him.Yesterday he shared more than he ever has. He seems more at ease with me, maybe because he knows himself better, I love them both very, very much. I guess by me creating space and stepping into my own desires that I gave them permission to step into their own desires and truth. And to embody the great young men that they are. I cry as I write this cause I remember how difficult it was to make this choice for me to move to Paris and allow them the choice to stay here or move with me. I remember how difficult it was to step out of a comfortable relationship. Well it was more a compromising relationship. That is the truth. I felt at the time that I had no other choice. Caught in the middle of my world. I required to make a choice. To embody courage and strength and confidence and self-love to say YES to me and my desires. I couldn't see what was on the other side. Yet, I trusted, I had faith, I loved and I surrendered. Now here I Am. I have love. Everywhere. I Am so blessed. I feel so abundant and prosperous and FREE. Now? I keep moving forward. There are always more desires. Life is an evolution. I desire to create more experiences and opportunities for me and others to step into our OWN. Without apology. Without old stories. To inspire others to say YES. To show them thru example and to teach them how to love, trust, have faith and to surrender. You can have it ALL! Anything. To show others that it is perfect to embody SPIRITUALITY and experience LUXURY. With no compromise. No apologies. Only gratitude and appreciation. Love and joy. Once you know this and you feel this, you will embody this. You will share it with others. You will change the world! My next and most expansive venture so far is my "Spring Into Love" experience in Normandy France where Spirituality meets Luxury. To bring 15 people to the Chateau. To have own private Chef. To experience the magic and healing of Mont Saint Michel. Well its not for the faint of heart. It is for the ones that are ready. Ready to take a step out of their comfort zone. 9 have said yes already. Are you ready? Sending you much love and light from Kelowna today. Have a magical day filled with love, joy, prosperity and even some magic. xox Leona http://www.AwakenTheBeauty.com |
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