There is immense value in the experience of relationships. Through these experiences we learn how to TRUST and HEAL our hearts. This is the key to everything. Below my trusted friend Michiel shares some of his wisdom with regards to Karmic Relationships. Does this resonate with you?
KARMIC RELATIONSHIPS by Michiel Versteeg Karmic relationships are different from twin flame and soulmate relationships. In a spiritual context, karmic relationships are viewed from the lens of personal growth. Here are some of the signs of a karmic relationship. 1. They repeat patterns. If you’re on and off in your relationship, that is major sign it’s a karmic one. If you seem to be experiencing the same kinds of relationship problems, that is also a big red flag. Such relationships repeat the same patterns and remain stagnant, because the only way you can grow from them is by letting go. 2. They are selfish. Karmic relationships do not respect healthy boundaries in their partners. They serve only their own self-interest and needs. They are the perfect template for forming abusive or co-dependent relationship complexes. While one person is very invested, the other person views it more as a convenience. 3. They are addictive. They are characterized by highs and lows of passionate intensity. One or both partners are more in love with the idea of love, based on superficial reasons such as good looks, popularity, social or professional status. 4. They are controlling. They are obsessive and all about ownership of your partner. The other person becomes the center of your universe, and the main source of your happiness. You put them on a pedestal and are unable to see their flaws. 5. They feel destined. You think that you cannot live without this person and feel like you both are somehow meant to be together. You cannot fathom why it keeps failing, and you keep trying and hoping to get it right. They are extremely hard to resist, and keep drawing you in, until you learn what you need to from it. 6. There is an instant connection. Such relationships are marked by an immediate attraction. This person feels perfect to you. It feels like you have known them before, and you become instantly attached to them. 7. They create dependency. You begin to feel consumed by the relationship, and it begins to occupy your thoughts all the time. You can’t help handing them all the power. You become mentally, physically and emotionally dependent on this person. 8. They bring out your worst fears. They bring to the surface all the things you are deathly afraid of. Fear of abandonment, fear of commitment, fear of rejection, fear of loss, fear of emotional engulfment, and all the skeletons hiding in your closet. 9. They are irrational. They hold a mirror to your worst vulnerabilities and ugly insecurities. You start acting unlike yourself and do things that you wouldn’t normally do. 10. They reveal your dark side. They show you your most undesirable and difficult characteristics that you were previously unaware of. They painfully remind you how human you actually are. 11. They are tumultuous. Such relationships are incredibly volatile, erratic and unpredictable. The best thing you can do for yourself is to identify such a relationship and learn to let it go for your own good. 12. They push your buttons. The main purpose of these relationships is for you to learn how to properly love yourself and others, such that you stop trying to control your circumstances, become the master of your own ego, and focus on working on yourself. 13. They do not last. This person is not your forever person, how much ever you want to hope, wish and believe in your fairy tale ending. Contrary to what you see on television and media, such relationships are born out of conflict and end in conflict. They are extremely unhealthy, and usually do not last. Regardless of what relationship you are in, they all serve a purpose. The purpose is your own personal growth. Learning and healing TRUST. Opening your heart to reveal your truth. Also, the most important relationship is the one with SELF. These outside experiences are there so you may grow, learn to TRUST, expand in your awareness and experiences. The value with working with an expert to assist you on this journey is immeasurable. The ROI is the best that you will ever receive. You are worth it. Contact me today and allow me to Guide you through this process. [email protected] Take a moment to learn more about Michiel and his energy work and crystals from Peru. It has all impacted my life in the most positive way.
The Heart’s Frequency of Trust On the surface, you carry the same heart frequency as the highest frequency of love.. Yet your mind may tell you that this is not true, yet your heart trusts. Trust is the core energy of the Heart. It cannot be otherwise. You may feel that your heart has closed itself off from this vibration, or that you cannot feel it in your life or in the people who surround you, but this is not truth. Your heart trusts. At this time I would like to shower you with waves of divine love to envelop your heart with a remembrance of the fullness of these frequencies your heart once mastered so well a very long time ago. My intention is to heal you with the frequency of my words. A core heart frequency is vitally important for you to continue to re-integrate and foster, one that can teach you about yourself and create small miracles in your life. Trust is a connective energy, it establishes bridges of light and connection between you and all beings, allowing you to sense and connect to other hearts. Trust is also Openness, the more you trust, the more you are able to allow, experience and savour all of the sweet moments of Life without limit. Are you fully conscious of the level of trust, dear One, you are able to open your heart as well? You may be surprised at what you discover. It is time to fully heal our past wounds and surrender our egos to our true divine nature so that we may fully magnetize Trust. Our hearts are can be completely opened and allow the manifestations of the beauty and veritable paradise that is the fruit of our inner imagination…we have shaped and made our world with the fires of Love of our Hearts....our world is what we make of it…what we imagine it is…it is the sum total of all that that lies within our conscious and unconscious BEingness. Most of humanity is not capable of creating with this kind of freedom of the heart as they have had many past lives and painful experiences which have led each of you to create many walls of protection over your hearts. You have placed a barrier between you and the natural flow of receiving all that is good and every kind of unlimited supply of Love that your hearts can imagine. These barriers consist of such energies as disappointments, feelings of being less than and what you have considered to be betrayals or abandonments from those around you and ultimately from yourself. The result is that many of you cannot fully let love in…even when you experience a wonderful and most satisfying manifestation, you cannot permit yourselves to fully savour the moment, these many unconscious fears born of past experiences have taught you not to fully trust the good you receive, you fear the other shoe may drop or that something will come to take away your happiness. You fear that Life cannot be this good to you…you instinctively block the full sweetness of life and of love from coming into your life without restraint…Trust is a natural response…do you Trust Love? do you Trust with the full might of your heart that your Life experience can bring you great happiness? A fully open and trusting heart can possibly even experience the heights of Love such as ecstasy…all hearts are made the same with the same capability to experience the fullness of this kind of Love.. Trust is a powerful energy, imagine it as a great Flame in your heart, like a great Torch which can help you heal your fears…ask for Trust to be established in your heart and bridge every distance for you to bring to you all that you need to understand and reconcile. Teaching and nurturing your heart to fully Trust again is a process that requires patience. A child that has experienced trauma or negative perceptions of her/his self no longer automatically trusts. You must relearn to believe again that you are fully worthy and capable of loving to that degree. You will never regret having done so as you will no longer need to manifest scenarios that come to sabotage your long sought after happiness or that unfortunately come to validate the unconscious perceptions you may still have that haven’t yet evolved to a higher opinion of self, or finally where you believe that Life will never bring you all that you desire. The process of healing is to equalize all of this in the great flame of your heart with forgiveness and compassion. Once you have felt compassion and forgiveness for yourself, you can work with Trust as an active energy. To fully trust is to open your heart again, to allow yourself to Love and feel fully Alive. A child trusts so easily, it hasn’t learned the need to protect itself. It is quite possible to re-attain that state of innocence again and to fully trust that you are loved. How much can you trust beloved? Indeed, how much of Life’s great good do you choose to trust and allow yourself to merge with? An ascended master’s heart can span an entire ocean, a country, a continent, indeed all of the planet and more.... Now it is time to suggest to you a highly beneficial exercise in working with Trust. Reserve some time for yourself to take a look at all the areas in your life and identify where you do not Trust, there are always some areas where you trust more than others, where do you not allow the Great Life to bring to you all that your heart yearns to experience and become? Where do you block the flow of every good thing that would naturally be open and possible for you to experience? Imagine that the energy of Trust is a living energy that will help you burn through all the doubts, anger, disappointments, regrets and pain that hold you in repetitive patterns of lack of love. Sometimes the pain of a past event was too great to be felt and experienced in your present moment or daily life. In these cases, your Higher Self has taken this pain and stored it in your cellular memory to be revisited when you are once again able to process it. If a soul has repeatedly resisted revisiting these emotions to allow them to re-surface and to be released, they must now be somatised in their lower physical bodies and will often see the light of day as a physical disharmony which can no longer be denied. If still resisted, they will develop as a cancer or another type of physical ailment. We ask here that you turn over these wounds and negative emotions to the sacred fires of your mighty I Am Presence, for each energy that you have not yet allowed yourself to fully release yet, she/he will take each one and begin the process of transmutation. You may also ask Mother Mary and her Immaculate heart of Love to assist you in transmuting the fears that are most painful to you. Whatever happiness you feel you are being denied dear ones, whatever you feel you cannot have because it is seemingly out of your reach, take these emotions and ask your divine self to transform them through the action of the alchemy of the heart and the fires of the Christ Consciousness available in your heart which can heal and liberate you, as well as all the compassion, forgiveness, grace and joy that your heart can summon. It is highly important also to seek to re-establish a perfect Trust in your Divine Self and to heal the wounds of all your past lives where you had suffered for your divine mission and you felt forsaken by your divinity. You may have often felt abandoned or betrayed by your divine self and often made vows that you would never believe again or that life was too hard; we have often directed much anger toward our Higher Self and suffered disconnection as a result; as well as the consequence of the manifestation of these emotions lifetime after lifetime. Intend now beloved to reconnect and resolve each of these moments by bathing them with the fires of purity and grace of your heart. Faith will maintain your frequency so that Trust can be instilled in your heart and now Love can flow, and only Love has the power to renew all of Life, to resurrect and reconnect with its nurturing and all-encompassing magic. I am grateful for the team of Masters that assist me with this message. Thank you Adama for assisting with sharing of love so everyone has an opportunity to heal. Remember your process of Self-Love is key to the process of TRUST. I am always here to assist you on your journey. Much love and light always, Leona www.AwakenThe |
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