![]() Well there is so much to share with you since the last post! Not only have I been stepping into my beauty and truth in a BIG way. So has my sister! This post is to Honour my sister Trena. My sister Trena is Brilliant and Shining and Loving and Gifting and up until she attended my Two Day Retreat at Sparkling Hill Resort...she was all this to everyone but herself. You could and you can always count on Trena to be there for you! Not just me but everyone who crosses her path! Whether you are a stranger or a family member or a friend, you are blessed when Trena crosses your path or is in your life. My sister is a true inspiration to me. A pillar of strength and perseverance. A loving magnet of pure beauty and truth. At my retreat my sister totally honoured me. First she said "YES" to her to be at this event. She had every excuse in the world to say no. Yet she didn't. She knew deep down that she required to say YES. Cause if she didn't she would completely lose herself in her world. And to be a better her, to be the best mom, wife, lover, friend and servant to God. She required to step into her truth. The second time she honoured me at this event was when she totally "went there". No holding back. That meant that she felt completely safe in her environment. She also honoured me by allowing me to assist her in her process. For all of this I am truly grateful. Why? Cause through the process she discovered her "Desires" again. Her "Beauty" again. Her "love and appreciation" of her life and family again. I am honoured that I witnessed her evolution. I am honoured to call her "my sister". Trena, thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. For inspiring me to always step into my truth. For allowing me the space to be me. For assisting me as I evolve more and more into the woman I am here to be and to be of "Fullest" service to other women on this journey. I Love You! Forever and always. Continue on saying "YES" to you. xox Leona www.awakenthebeauty.com
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